I saw my friend run quickly to school. - She might have been late., Hey! All the chocolates are gone! - Tommy might have eaten them., I think Steven drove to work today. - No, he can’t have driven!, The police shot a man in the bank. - He must have been a robber., Where did Rob and Kim go on holiday? - They could have flown to Poland., Who broke the coffee cup yesterday? - Sarah may have dropped it., Look! The cup just felt off! - It could have been a ghost., Why hasn't Don arrived yet? - He might have had an accident., I think John stole the money from the safe. - It can't have been him. He doesn't have a key for it., Look! The streets are wet. - It must have rained., Paul got a scholarship for Harvard! - He can't have gotten one. He failed most of the subjects., George looks very tired. - He must have had a hard day., The window is broken. - The burglars must have entered the house through it., Oh no! My vase is broken. - It might have been the cat., Mum, can I go out now? I've finished my homework. - You can't have finished it. You started only five minutes ago., Do you know who sent me these beautiful flowers? - It must have been Mike. He told me he was in love with you., Do you know where my car keys are? - You might have left them stuck in the car. You did this before, remember?, I saw John in the mall yesterday. - It can't have been him. He moved to L.A. last month.,




