appeal to - interest or attract smb, believe in - think smth is the right thing, belong to - be someone's possession, boast about smth - to talk too proudly about your abilities, achievements, or possessions, depend on - rely on smb\smth, differ from - not be the same as, discourage sb from - persuade smb not ot do smth, enquire about smth - ask for information about smth, insist on smth - demand that smth should hapen, involve sb into smth - ask\get smb to take part in smth, specialize in - be proffessional in smth, suffer from - be badlu affected by smth, volunteer for - offet to do smth, to settle for - accept sth (less than expected), bawl smb's eyes out - to cry loudly especially for a long time, devastating - badly damaging or destroying, inlight smb - to give knowledge or understanding to smb, out of the blue - without warning; unexpectedly, numb - unable to talk,

Roadmap B2 - 1A+1B




