When his chair collapsed under him, his face went bright red with ... . In fact, I don't think I've ever seen him look so ... ., 'It's so ... trying to make you see sense!' she shouted, storming out of the room and slamming the door behind her in ... ., He looked at me in total ... . 'How on earth did you get an A in the exam?' You didn't do any revision. I'm absolutely ... !' he said., Judy gave a deep sigh of ... .' This weather is just perfect. I would be ... to just sit here all day and soak up the sun.', 'You should be ... of yourself for the way you talked to your grandmother!' my sister said to me. 'You should hang your head in ... !' , My maths teacher at school was a really ... man. His constant ... was seen in his face, giving you the impression he had just eaten a lemon., She sighed with ... . 'Thank goodness the test has been cancelled! she said. 'I'm so ... !' , The ... welled up inside me until I started screaming and crying. 'Oh, for god's sake, don't be so ... !' my mother said. 'It's only an exam.', He felt completely ... about his boss's threats. 'Whether he fires me or keeps me is a matter of complete ... to me,' he said., 'It makes me really ... watching you try to cook. You haven't got a clue, have you?' she said. 'I don't do it for your ... !' I said angrily. 'I do it so we can eat.', There seems to be some ... about the new dress code rules. People are ... as to whether or not they can wear casual clothes like jeans..

Gold C1 emotions





