1) which of these is in the public sector? a) watford fire brigade b) news of the world c) BAA 2) Which of these is not in the private sector? a) British airways b) Thomas Cook c) Visitbritain 3) A company where the general public can buy shares in is? a) Public Limited Company b) Private Limited Company c) Public Sector Company 4) How many people can there be up to in a partnership? a) 10 b) 20 c) 30 d) 40 5) Which of these is in the voluntary sector? a) National trust b) English heritage c) Tourism Concern 6) What percntage of new businesses fail in their first year? a) 10% b) 20% c) 30% d) 40% e) 50% 7) McDonalds is which type of company? a) Co-operative b) Franchise c) Government owned 8) How much does the global Travel and tourism make in a year? a) $7 million b) $7 trillion c) £7 trillion d) $7 Billion 9) Business in Hertforshire operate under which geographical area? a) Local b) Global c) Regional d) National 10) How much of the UK's employment is in the Travel and Tourism Industry? a) 5% b) 7% c) 10% d) 12%




