A dominant figure - is the one that is the strongest, Gripping stories - are very interesting, Innovative ideas - are original and add something new, If you immerse yourself in an activity - you become entirely involved, Your craving for something - is your strong desire to have it, Waiting in anticipation - you feel excited and eager, If something is crucial - it's absolutely necessary, Being on the verge of doing something - means you are about to do something, If something has evolved - it has gradually developed over time, Fatigue - is great tiredness, Authentic material - can't be fake, If the shop is in the vicinity  - it's quite close, I had no preference so I chose a book - at random, Off the top  - of my head, I'd say our expenses were much more than the earnings of the month., You should look at things from a different - perspective,

GOLD EXPERIENCE B2+ UNIT 8 pp. 106-109




