Over 60 million - The amount of people killed during World War II, Over 40 million - the amount of people that were refugees after World War II, Hiroshima and Nagasaki  - Cities where atomic bombs were dropped by America, At least 129,000 people - The amount of people killed by the atomic bombs, Blitzkrieg - A surprise attack started by the air force, followed by tanks and then infantry, The Maginot Line  - A series of fortifications along the French-German border, 350,000 soldiers - The amount of soldiers evacuated from the beeches at Dunkirk, The Battle of Britain - One of the most famous battles of WWII, fought entirely in the skies, The Blitz - The German strategy of bombing British cities, 7 million - The amount of women that entered the workforce during WWII, Operation Barbarossa - The codename for the German invasion of Russia, The Battle of Stalingrad - One of the major turning points of WWII, advantage started to go with the Allied Forces, The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour - What made the American's join WWII, D-Day - Allied forced landed 156,000 troops in France, The British Prime Minister during WWII - Winston Churchill, The Allied Forces - Britain, France, Poland, later USSR and America, The Axis Powers - Germany, Italy and Japan, 1939 to 1945 - The years during WWII, New wartime technology for WWII - Better tanks, fighter planes and sea fleets (battleships etc), 5 weeks - The length of time it took Germany to defeat Poland,




