on the edge of one's seat - very excited, face the music - deal with the consequences of one's action, bring the house down - give very successful of amusing speech, performance, let one's hair down - relax and enjoy oneself, off the beaten track - away from usual routes or places, on a shoestring budget - with very little money/at a low cost, on the house - free ( at a restaurant,bar,...), paint the house red - go out and have a good time, read between the lines - understand what somebody really means even if it is not openly stated, keep up with the Joneses - to always want to own the same expensive objects and do the same things as your friends or neighbours, work one's fingers to the bone - work very hard, rub sb up the wrong way - offend/annoy sb without intending to, keep on top of things - be in control of what is hapenning, work one's way to the top - advance in your job/profession, read somebody like a book - understand sb so well that you know what they are thinking or going to do, have the world at one's feet - be extremely successful and admired by a lot of people,





