The investigative business report: Aim: to investigate a problem or new development to help managers/specialists to make better decisions/take advantage of an opportunity, May follow different conventions for communication than the academic community, Is based on a fixed structure: Terms of reference; problem definition; Findings; Conclusions; recommendations, Should be concise and factual but opinions are allowed in the recommendations, The argumentative essay: Aim: to persuage the reader to accept a position on an issue., A debatable topic, Expresses a clear point of view throughout the essay, Based on presenting the oppsing view and then refuting it., The expository essay: Aim: to convey information and explain a subject in detail, It presents other people's views objectively , It uses facts and statistical information to provide details, It is based on references to books/articles, It follows a logical order: description; sequence; cause/effect; comparison/contrast; problem/solution, The research report: Aim: to communicate to other researchers the results of a piece of research, Is based on answering a research question., Follows the IMRaD model: Introduction, Methodology, Results, & Discussion, Is usually reviewed by peers for reliability of information,

Types of university undergraduate writing




