Pathway - a route followed by a nerve impulse through the nervous systems , Tract - A bundle of neurons that acts as a route for a pathway, Discriminative touch - ability to pinpoint exact location of light touch, Stereognosis - ability to recognize an object by feel , Kinesthesia - awareness of the direction of movement of body parts, Upper Motor Neuron(UMN) - first neuron in a descending pathway , Lower motor neuron(LMN) - last neuron in a descending pathway , Ascending Pathways - Pathways that start at sensory receptors and end in the cerebrum or cerebellum , First Order Neuron - carries nerve impulse from receptor to CNS , 2nd Order Neuron - Conveys impulse from the CNS to the thalamus , 3rd Order Neuron - extends from the thalamus to the cerebrum or cerebellum , Posterior Column - Conveys sensation received on one side of the body to the cerebral hemisphere on the opposite side, Lateral Pathway - conveys pain and temperature sensations from one side of the body to the cerebral hemisphere on the opposite side , Anterior Spinothalamic Pathway - conveys sensations of itch, tickle, crude touch, and pressure from one side to the body to the cerebral hemisphere on the opposite side , Posterior Spinocerebellar Pathway - conveys impulses for subconscious proprioception from one side of the body to the same side of the cerebeluum , Anterior Spinocerebellar Pathway - Conveys impulses for subconscious proprioception from one side of the body to the same and opposite side of the cerebellum,




