1) Which is ______ (strong): your left arm or your right arm? Why? 2) Are you ___ (busy) during the week or at weekends? 3) Is a mobile phone just __ useful __ a laptop?  4) Who is ___ (talkative) person in your family? 5) Are you a lot ___ active in the mornings ___in the evenings? 6) What's ___ (difficult) thing about studying English? 7) Are vegetarians ___ (healthy) than people who eat meat? 8) What's ___ (bad), failing an exam or telling someone you've failed an exam? 9) Why is everything so much ______ (expensive) in the shops compared to a year ago?  10) Is speaking ___ easy __ writing? (in English) Why / Why not? 11) Are you quite a bit ___ (short) or (tall) than the average person?  12) What's ___ (beautiful) city you have ever visited? 13) Are you ___ (happy) now or when you were younger? 14) What's ___ (valuable) thing you own? 15) What's ___ (exciting) sport to watch? 16) Have you got as much free time as you would like? Why / Why not?

B21 7A Comparatives & Superlatives SPEAKING




