Can 10 people sleep in your bedroom at once? - 你的卧室睡得下十个人吗?Nǐ de wòshì shuì de xià shí gerén ma?, Can our school's cafeteria seat sixty people? - 我们学校的学生餐厅坐得下六十个人吗?Wǒmen xuéxiào de xuéshēng cāntīng zuò de xià liùshí gerén ma?, Does your desk fit three computers? - 你的桌子放得下三台电脑吗?Nǐ de zhuōzi fàng de xià sān tái diànnǎo ma?, Can you drink five bottles of coke? - 你喝得下五瓶可乐吗?Nǐ hē de xià wǔ píng kělè ma?, Can you eat twenty dumplings and a bowl of hot and sour soup? - 你吃得下二十个饺子和一碗酸辣汤吗?Nǐ chī de xià èrshí ge jiǎozi hé yī wǎn suān là tāng ma?, How many people can fit inside your parents' car? - 你爸爸妈妈的车坐得下几个人?Nǐ bàba māma de chē zuò de xià jǐ gerén?, How many people can the Chinese classroom seat? - 中文教室坐得下几个人?Zhōngwén jiàoshì zuò de xià jǐ gerén?, How many books can your backpack hold? - 你的背包放得下几本书?Nǐ de bèibāo fàng de xià jǐ běn shū?,

Chinese 3 - Verb 得下/Verb不下 2




