I want ...thing to drink. (+) - something, The poor man hasn't got ...where to live in.(-) - anywhere, Is there ...body home? - anybody, Have we got ...thing to eat? - anything, I can't see ...body here. (-) - anybody, Jim was tired after work and could do ... (-) - nothing, There was ...body in the gym. (+) - somebody, Have you got ...where to celebrate Christmas? - anywhere, Linda wanted ...thing expensive as a Birthday present. (+) - something, The old lady needed ...body to love, so she bought a cat. (+) - somebody, Is there ...body I can play with? - anybody, I want to go to ...where sunny and hot. (+) - somewhere, When I'm sad I need ...thing to make me happy again. (+).  - something, Sue needed ...body to talk to. (+) - somebody, Dan wants to work ...where he can help wild animals. (+) - somewhere, Do you know ...thing about him? - anything, It's great to do ...thing! (-) - nothing, ...body, help me, please! (+) - somebody, We didn't have ...where to go and stayed at home. (+) - anywhere, Let's go ...where exciting and funny. (+) - somewhere,

body / where / thing





