Khufu - The first Pharaoh in Ancient Egypt., Cleopatra - Sibling of Berenice IV., Tutankhamun - The youngest Pharaoh., Giza - Pyramid of the first pharaoh., Papyrus - Paper in Ancient Egypt., Octavian - The last Pharaoh's grandnephew., Ay - The youngest Pharaoh's Uncle., Amun-Ra - The chief of the Egyptians god., Ptolemaic - The last dynasty in Ancient Egypt., The Nile - The river that runs across Egypt., Roman Empire - Who take over Ancient Egypt., Julius Caesar - The last pharaoh's first husband., Mark Antony - The last pharaoh's second husband., TheFourSonsOfHorus - The jars that contains the organs of a mummy., Hapy - The name of the jar for the lungs, Imsety - The name of the jar for the liver., Duamutef - The name of the jar for the stomach., Qebehsenuef - The name of the jar for the intestines., Akhet - The first season in an Egyptian calendar., Peret - The second season in an Egyptian calendar., Shemu - The third season in an Egyptian calendar., Hieroglyphics - The writing of Ancient Egypt., Champollion - The person who translated the writing of Ancient Egypt., Howard Carter - The person who discovered the youngest pharaoh's tomb., The Rosetta Stone - A piece of Ancient Egypt writing discovered in 1799 during a battle.,

Ancient Egypt




