pretty clever  - My son is ......................, I'm proud of him., realized - I .................... I had left my keys inside., booming - Trade is ........................... at the moment., fell out - All of my baby teeth .................... when I was 9 years old., tusks - ..................... two long, pointed teeth of some animals such as elephants, ivory - She wore an .................... necklace., middle ear - Antibiotics may help clear the fluid from the ......................, shoulder bone - He broke a .......................... and was out of work for more than a month, sensory cells - Today we will learn about the function of ......................., rumbled - Thunder .................. in the distance., detect - The change was too small for him to ..............., Sloths - in Central and South America., myths - I've read many Greek ..............., mammal - The elephant's pregnancy is the longest of any ................(more than a year and a half),




