If they ___ to the conference in Paris, they ___. (not go/not meet), The curry is a little tasteless. If I ___ more spices in the curry, it ___ better. (put/taste), If I ___ another job, I might ___ happier. (find/be), We ___ wet if we ___ the bus. (not get/take), If I ___ you, I ___ in that river because there might be crocodiles. (be/not swim), Laura ___ Liam if she ___ in love with Tom. (not leave/not fall), If the thief ___ the stolen credit card at a hotel, the police ___ him. (not use/not find), They ___ a new car if they ___ afford one. (buy/can), We ___ on the Ferris wheel if the line ___ so long. (go/not be), if my husband and I ___, we ___ to pay the bills. (not work/not be able), I ___ you a ticket if I ___ that you wanted to go to the concert. (buy/know), Nicola ___ so overweight if she ___ some exercise. (be/get),

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