What's your favorite band? , Who's Stella's favorite singer? (Taylor Swift) , Ask your parter about his/her favorite book. , Describe your favorite sport. , Spell your name. , Describe what your partner is wearing. , Spell the name of your favorite animal. , Describe this animal. , Describe this animal. , What's the name of this animal? , What's the name of this animal?, Are monkeys quiet? , Are jaguars friendly? , What's the name of an animal that is also the name of a sport? , Are parrots noisy? , Where's the cat? , Where's the cat? , Where's the cat? , Where's the apple? , Who's your mother's sister? , Who's your father's son? , Who's your sister's mom? , Who's your cousin's dad? , Who's your mother's dad? , Who's your brother's son? , Spell the name of this dessert. , Does the girl like cookies? , Say something about this picture. (Use the correct form of the verb LIKE), Does the girl like cake?, Say something about this picture. (Use the correct form of the verb LIKE), What time do you go to school? , What time does your mom get up? , What time does your dad have lunch? , Do you get up at 5am? , Try to lick your nose. , Write your name using your left hand. .

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