1) My dream is to become a .............. a) designer of fashion b) fashion designer 2) Money is not as important to me as a good.......... a) quality of life b) life of quality 3) My kids love watching ................, as it's got some really interesting documentaries. a) Discovery Channel b) Channel of Discovery 4) I don't often go to the theatre, as the ............... is rather high in this country. a) tickets cost b) cost of tickets 5) I once went on a ................, but I didn't win anything. a) show of quizzes b) quiz show 6) People often disagree about the ............... . a) issue of violence in films b) violence of films issue 7) I hate getting stuck in a ............. on a Friday evening. a) traffic jam b) jam of traffic 8) James paints beautiful pictures and shows a real ........... a) fine art interest b) interest in fine art 9) Have you read any of ..............? She's written five. a) the books of Kate b) Kate's books 10) I'm thinking of becoming ................ the local gym. How much does it cost to join? a) a gym member of b) a member of

Outcomes. Pre-Int. U13. noun phrases




