1) Bones are strengthened by a) stretching the joints, ligaments and tendons b) eating carrots c) the stress exercise imposes upon them 2) An increase in the size of the heart results in ... a) an extended femeral artery b) less blood being pumped around the body c) more blood being pumped around the body per minute 3) The fitter your heart ... a) the slower it returns to normal b) the quicker it returns to normal after exercise c) the quicker it reaches 220 bpm 4) As a result of regular exercise the heart increases in size a) True b) False 5) Hypertrophy is ... a) an increase in muscle size b) a decrease in muscle size c) no change in muscle size 6) Atrophy is ... a) an increase in muscle size b) a decrease in muscle size c) no change in muscle size 7) Regular stretching during and after training will result in ... a) an increase in venous exchange b) an increase in muscle size c) improved flexibility and better range of motion around the joints 8) Muscles are capable of storing a ______ ______ __ ______ for energy. a) larger amount of glucose b) larger amount of glycogen c) larger amount of protein 9) Anaerobic training will result in ... a) the muscles becoming less tolerant of lactic acid b) the muscles becoming better able to tolerate lactic acid c) the muscles constantly contracting during low intensity exercise 10) Regular exercise slows the rate of skeletal ageing a) True b) False 11) A result of regular exercise will result in ... a) a higher resting paulse rate b) a lower resting pulse rate c) a medium resting pulse rate 12) Vital capacity increases. a) This provides the capacity to increase diffusion rates in tissues b) This provides an increased and more efficient supply of oxygen to the muscles c) This provides a higher level of intensity during sprinting exercises. 13) Natural endorfins and serotonin levels will increase resulting in increased _______ and _________ a) vision and sense of smell b) appetite and bladder retention c) motivation and mental health 14) Regular weight training will result in ... a) an improved aerobic system b) the ability to run faster over short distances c) increased strength and muscle definition 15) The number of these increases - they improve the bodies ability to transport oxygen to the muscles for aerobic activities. What are they? a) arteries and veins b) white blood cells c) red blood cells d) mytochondria 16) Continued core muscle exercises will result in improvements to your _____ a) co ordination b) balance c) reaction time




