bring sby up - to care for a child until he or she is an adult, often giving him or her particular beliefs, educate - to teach someone, especially using the formal system of school, college, or university, pupil - a person, especially a child at school, who is being taught, student - a person who is learning at a college or university, teacher - someone whose job is to teach in a school or college, professor - a teacher of the highest rank in a department of a British university, or a teacher of high rank in an American university or college, terms - one of the 3 periods of the year during which classes are held in schools, unversities, pass an exam - is to achieve the required standard in an exam or test, fail an exam - is not to achieve the required standard in an exam or test., be punished - to make someone suffer because they've done something bad or wrong, boarding school - a school where pupils eat, sleep, live and study , retake an exam - to do an exam again because you've previously failed it, homework - work given by teachers to do at home, housework - work involved taking care of a home, head teacher - a person who is in charge of a school, university - a place where you can study for a degree or do research, college - often used by Americans to describe a place where you can study for a degree, mark/score - result of a test given as a number, grade - result of a test given as a letter, cumpulsory subject - a class you must take,

EF Intermediate - File 7A Vocabulary on Education




