1) Which factor has the most influence on an individual's sleep-wake patterns? a) daylight and darkness b) bedtime rituals c) the inner biologic clock d) the body's need for 8 hours of sleep 2) Which factor necessitates the need for more sleep in the adolescent population? a) part-time employment b) increased life stresses c) rapid growth d) increased nutritional needs 3) A nurse working in a health clinic assesses sleep patterns during each health assessment. Based upon the nurse's knowledge regarding sleep needs, the nurse recognizes which age group as generally needing the least amount of sleep? a) Young adults b) Infants c) Adolescents d) Older adults 4) The nurse has entered the room of a newly admitted client and observed a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) on the client's bedside table. The nurse would recognize that this client likely has a history of what condition? a) Narcolepsy b) Obstructive sleep apnea c) Insomnia d) Somnambulism 5) A nurse at the health care facility is caring for an older adult client who complains of sleeplessness. Which condition is a manifestation of depression in an older client? a) Nightmares b) Nocturnal enuresis c) Somnambulism d) Insomnia 6) When a nurse notes that the client appears to be sleeping, is demonstrating irregular respirations, and is showing eye movement, the nurse identifies the stage of sleep the client is experiencing as: a) Light sleep b) Rapid eye movement (REM) c) Slow wave d) Transitional 7) When the nurse attempts to wake a client who has just closed his eyes and appears asleep, the client states he is not asleep. What stage of sleep is this client in? a) Stage 3 b) Stage 2 c) Stage 4 d) Stage 1 8) A nurse is explaining to an insomniac client the effect of a prescribed medication and the different phases of sleep. Which statement is true for non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep? a) It is called slow wave sleep. b) It is called active sleep. c) It is the deepest stage of sleep. d) It is called paradoxical sleep. 9) A client is being admitted to the hospital, and the nurse is performing a complete assessment. Which is the most therapeutic question the nurse can ask about the quality of the client’s sleep? a) “Does your bed partner complain about your sleep behaviors?” b) “Is the number of hours you sleep at night good for you?” c) “Do you consider your sleep to be restless or restful?” d) "How would you describe your sleep?” 10) A nurse is teaching a client about the positive effects of exercise to reduce anxiety. Which client comment about how exercise reduces anxiety indicates that the client understands the nurse’s a) “It interferes with the ability to concentrate.” b) “It stimulates the production of endorphins.” c) “It reduces the metabolism of epinephrine.” d) “It decreases the acidity of blood.” 11) A hospitalized client informs the evening shift nurse that he has a routine that he follows prior to going to sleep. The client inquires about his ability to perform his bedtime routine before sleep. How does the nurse respond? a) "You will have to talk to the UAP, as she will help you prepare for sleep." b) "We will include this routine into your evening plan of care." c) "It is difficult for clients to perform a bedtime routine during hospitalization." d) "We will need to talk to the physician and obtain orders for your routine." 12) A client who previously was a smoker has recently stopped smoking but reports having much trouble sleeping at night. How would the nurse respond? a) “If you are sleep deprived, it might be better to smoke.” b) “You have to decide what is more important: smoking or sleep.” c) “Sleep problems from stopping smoking are temporary.” d) “Since you were a smoker, this will always be a problem.” 13) A nurse notes that a patient admitted to a long-term care facility sleeps for an abnormally long time. After researching sleep disorders, the nurse learns that which area of this patient’s brain may have suffered damage? a) Cerebral Cortex b) Hypothalamus c) Midbrain d) Medulla 14) A nurse attempts to wake a patient who is scheduled for tests and is able to arouse him relatively easily. Which stage of sleep is this patient most likely experiencing? a) Stage I b) Stage II c) Stage III d) Stage IV 15) A patient diagnosed with hypothyroidism is suffering from fatigue, lethargy, depression, and difficulty executing the tasks of everyday living. What type of sleep deprivation would the nurse suspect is affecting this patient? a) NREM deprivation b) REM deprivation c) Total sleep deprivation d) Insomnia




