1) They _______ football everyday. a) Have been playing b) Are playing c) Play 2) I _______ she is lying. a) Have been thinking b) Think c) Am thinking 3) I _______ about anything from now on. a) Am not caring b) Don't care c) Haven't been caring 4) _______ you _______ Campi yesterday? a) Do / see b) Did / see c) Have / seen 5) _______ you _______ Wakaeme lately? a) Did / see b) Have / seen c) Do / see 6) The first civilizations _______ in the third millenium BC along the Euphrates and Tigris. a) Emerges b) Emerged c) Have emerged 7) The study _______ that women carrying the Neanderthal variant receptor _______ to give birth to more children a) Shows / tend b) Has showed / tended c) Showed / have tended 8) She _______ since she arrived at home a) Has been sleeping b) Slept c) Was slept 9) It was 1957 when the Soviet Union _______ the first man - made satellite. a) Has launched b) Launched c) Launches 10) When Hitler _______ suicide in 1945, the country was in a state of total devastation. a) Committed b) Has committed c) Commits 11) Napoleon Bonaparte _______ in 15th of August, 1769. a) Born b) Have been born c) Was born 12) Corsica _______ a part of The Genoan Republic until 1768 a) is b) Has been c) Was 13) Camels _______ spotted passing swimming through the Suez Canal Lately. a) Have been b) Were c) Are 14) While the Great Leap Forward was taking place, Farmers _______ from their agricultural to industrial work. _______ lead to famines a) Are replaced / Who b) Were Replaced / Which c) Have been Replaced / That 15) Landsknechts _______ Germanic Mercenaries _______ established During the Habsburg - Ottoman wars. a) Were / Who were  b) Was / That was c) Was / Which are 16) Mathematical astronomy was the great _______ by the Greeks of the 5th century. a) Precedence b) Scope  c) İnnovation 17) The Civil War has put thousands of lives in _______ . a) Version b) Jeopardy c) Demonstration 18) It is _______ For Mototrcyclists to wear helmets. a) Compulsory b) Haphazard c) Play 19) İn a case of getting invaded by an opposing country, Military Service may become _______. a) Susceptible b) Mandatory c) Obstinate 20) The museum houses a _______ collection of iron age artifacts. a) Loyal b) Vast c) Miscellaneous 21) The affair must be kept _______. a) Decisive b) Devoid c) Inherent 22) Their attempts were _______ but ultimately futile. a) Consistent b) Legitimate c) Prolific 23) He's a _______ actor who played a wide variety of characters. a) Diverse b) Brilliant c) Incompetent 24) This book helps you to be more _______. a) Simplicit b) Explicit c) Imperfect 25) The Queen's Guards used to wear Bearskin hats on the field to _______ the enemy. a) Bore b) Amuse c) Intimidade




