Acustic - (adjective) without inbuilt electrical equipment to amplify the sound - I can play acoustic guitar, but I can't play electric guitar., Album - (noun) a collection of songs released as a digital download or a 12-inch LP record - Do you have Michael Jackson's album Thriller?, Alternative rock - (noun) non-mainstream rock music inspired by punk and post-punk - My sister likes pop music, but I like alternative rock., Amplify - (verb) to make sounds louder, esp. by using electrical equipment - If we don't amplify the drums, they'll be hard to hear., Artist - (noun) a professional singer, musician or songwriter - Taylor Swift has become one of music's best-selling artists., Authentic - (adjective) real or genuine - You can still see an authentic Chinese opera in Beijing., Ballad - (noun) a slow song usually about love - Janis sings up-tempo rock songs as well as slow ballads., Beat - (noun) the regular pulse in music that dancers move to and audiences clap to - Dance music always has a strong beat., Boy band - (noun) a group of three or more boys or young men who sing and dance - My little sister loves that Korean boy band Super Junior., Chorus - (noun) the part of a song with the same melody and words each time it's heard - I'll sing the verses, and you sing the choruses., Fan - (noun) someone who likes a particular artist or band very much - Our teacher's a really big fan of Eminem., Genre - (noun) a kind or style of music, movie, TV show, painting, etc. - In music classes at school, the only genres we studied were classical music and jazz., Lyrics - (noun) the words of a song - If you don't listen to the lyrics, you won't know what a song is about., Mainstream - (adjective) normal and preferred by most people - Most people like mainstream hip hop more than alternative hip hop., Record - (noun) a thin disc of black plastic on which recorded music is imprinted and sold - I bought lots of punk records in the 70s., Rhythm - (noun) a pattern of beats and sounds that musicians play in time to and dancers move to - The rhythms of African music are really complex., Rhyme - (noun) a word that ends with the same sound as another word - If you don't use rhymes, you can't call it rapping., Tune - (noun) a song or melody - I know the tune, but I can't remember what it's called., Verse - (noun) the part of a song with the same melody but different words each time it's heard - The song has a chorus and three verses.,




