1) XXX Do you shop online? What kinds of things do you buy online? What would you rather buy in person? 2) XXX Do you prefer to shop alone or with other people? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? 3) XXX Is shopping painful for you or is it a pleasure? 4) XXX Are you a bargain hunter? Do you get excited about sales and discounts? When are the best sales in your country? 5) XXX Which do you prefer? Buying things for yourself or for other people? 6) XXX Do you remember shopping with your parents as a child? Did you enjoy it? 7) XXX Is there too much advertising on television? 8) XXX Would you say we live in a consumerist society? 9) XXX In which store would you like to go on a shopping spree? 10) Black Friday and is famous for big sales and aggressive behaviour by shoppers. Have you ever had any problems with other shoppers? 11) If you were to open your own shop, what kinds of things would you like to sell? 12) What do you spend most of your money on? 13) Do you like shopping? For what kinds of things? 14) Have you ever bought something that you’ve never used? 15) Have you ever bought something that was way too expensive? How did you feel afterwards? 16) How long do you usually shop for? Do you try to get your shopping done as fast as possible [ASAP]? 17) Do you think supermarkets should be open on Sundays? 18) What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘shopping’?




