Pose, pause, pounce, bounce -  The teacher poses a question then waits for someone to answer. After the response has been given, the answer is expanded on or developed, Open questions - A question that cannot be answered with a static response, or a "yes" or "no"., Whole class response - Requires a response from every single student in the class at the same time., Socratic questioning - The act of asking questions to prompt critical thinking and reflection., No opt out - Requires a student to (eventually) correctly answer the question posed to them.,  Say it again, better - Provides students a second opportunity to respond to questions and add depth or accuracy to their original response., Cold calling - Calling someone to answer a question at random., Cooperative answers - Learners work in groups and support each other to prepare a response. The teacher randomly selects a respondent., Probing - A type of follow up question. A powerful form of questioning and a form of guided practice.,




