1) What are they? a) They are gods. b) They are inventors. c) They are painters. 2) How does the girl from the back feel? a) She is angry. b) She is happy. c) She is jeaulous. 3) What is this? a) It's a toy. b) It's a fruit. c) It's a ship. 4) What is this? a) It's a cage. b) It's a prison. c) It's a house. 5) On a ship you can... a) fly. b) ride. c) sail. 6) What is the opposite of high? a) It's big. b) It's low. c) It's small. 7) What's the meaning of selfish? a) To care for my own interests and benefits. b) To believe in god. c) To be creative. 8) What animal is this? a) It's a cow. b) It's a bull. c) It's a rhino.

Icarus and Daedalus Myth Warming up




