Deck the halls - So, the time has come! Bring those ornaments from the attick & let's _____! , Lit up like a Christmas tree - I have been rather moody all day today, but the moment I saw my neighbour's house ____ I felt so much joy & love, I started dancing! , Good things come in small packages - Jane was never fond of Hannah, but, apparently, _____, because it turned ourt only Hannah was ready to help Jane with the new project., Eat, drink and be merry! - Cheer up! ______ , Kim! Everything will be okay! , All my Christmases have come together - Frederick has moved to NZ recently & he misses his parents & friends & his girlfriend a lot; on 25th of December they gathered together at his door & surprised him with their visit. So, _____ for Frederick that day. , Christmas Came Early - Guess what! I have jut received my dream job offer! But I wasn't expecting an answer untill next month! ____, The Proof of the Pudding Is in the Eating - Sandra was so sure this approach would work that she never bothered to test it; but ___, it turned out this strategy was not good enough for the chosen target audience & the company has lost a lot of money on useless advertising., A white Christmas - In this city you rarely enjoy ____ as it usually only rains in winter here, but the temperature is never below zero., Tis the season to be jolly - ______, everyone! Merry Christmas to all of you!,

Christmas idioms - practice




