Tennis rockets - What sends tennis balls into space?, A Club Sandwich  - What's a caveman's favorite lunch?, An orca-stra. - What do you call a musical pod of whales?, Because it lost all its contacts. - Why did the phone get eyeglasses?, Where's popcorn? - What did the baby corn say to the mama corn?, Iceburgers - What kind of burgers are served at the North Pole?, It had the cock-a-doodle-flu - Why did the rooster go to the doctor?, A baseball team - What has 18 legs and catches flies?, Greece - Where do french fries go on vacation?, A towel - What gets wetter the more it dries?, Tweethearts - What do you call two birds in love?, The ruler - What is the king of school supplies?, I'm jammed - What did the strawberry say when it was stuck in traffic?, Don't look I'm changing - What did the traffic light say to the car?,




