1) Choose the hobby word with "mouth" radical? a) 唱歌 b) 做饭 c) 跳舞 2) Which hobby word has a "foot" radical? a) 爬山 b) 跑步 c) 做饭 3) Can you find the hobby with "hand" radical? a) 画画 b) 游泳 c) 打球 4) Which hobby word has "water" radical a) 下棋 b) 游泳 c) 爬山 5) "跳舞“ contains what radical? a) hand b) foot c) wood 6) "下棋“ contains what radical? a) wood b) mouth c) lid 7) "家” contains what radical? a) female b) father c) lid 8) "做饭“ contains what radical? a) hand b) female c) people 9) what radical is this? 女 a) people b) female c) speech 10) what radical is this? 口 a) eye b) nose c) mouth 11) what radical is this? 目 a) eye b) nose c) mouth

Year 3 Hobby group1 - radical




