Global HydroEstimator (GHE) - Is satellite based NOAA NESDIS precipitation product that provides hourly accumulations (mm) of precipitation with a latency of a few minutes and with resolution 4 km by 4 km, Microwave-adjusted Global HydroEstimator (MWGHE) - Satellite-based precipitation estimates (IR-based) adjusted by available microwaved-based satellite precipitation estimates to improve GHE accuracy, Gauge Mean Areal Precipitation (Gauge MAP) - Is generated by using synoptic observations that are disseminated through WMO Global Telecomunication System (GTS). The images and text provide 6-hours and 24-hours accumulations of mean areal precipitation’s for each sub-basin produced from interpolation of precipitation gauge data., Merged Mean Areal Precipitation (Merged MAP) - Provides bias-corrected, best estimate of 1, 3, 6, and 24-hours precipitation accumulations over each sub-basin. It is derived by selecting the best-available 1-hour precipitation input product for each sub-basin from the bias-adjusted Radar, GHE, MWGHE and gauge interpolations. It is input into the Flash Flood Threat model, Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting model (SAC-SMA) and SNOW-17 model, Average Soil Moisture (ASM) - Shows soil water saturation fraction (dimensionless ratio of contents over capacity) for the upper zone tension and free water content (20-30 cm depth) of the Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting Model (SAC-SMA), Flash Flood Guidance (FFG) - Required rainfall over the next 1, 3, or 6 hours to cause bankfull flow at the outlet of the catchment. It is derived from Threshold runoff estimates and soil moisture modelling and accounting for all losses in the transformation of rainfall to runoff, Imminent Flash Flood Threat (IFFT) - Provides forecasters with the idea of likely regions of imminent flash flood threats (flash flood is happening now). Note that this products concern the past rainfall and should be evaluated before using for warnings, Persistent Flash Flood Threat (PFFT) - The concept of the product is that previous precipitation of a given duration will persist for the same duration into the future. It contains large uncertainties and should be evaluated very carefully, Forecast Flash Flood Threat (FFFT) - Provides forecasters with an idea of regions forecasted to be concern for flash flooding based on the difference of Forecast Mean Areal Precipitation and the corresponding current Flash Flood Guidance, Latest Interactive Multi-sensor Snow and Ice Mapping System (IMS) Snow Coverage Area (SCA) - This product provides the latest estimate of the fraction of snow cover for each sub-basin, Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) - It is direct output of SNOW-17 model - the depth of water produced if a snow cover is completely melted on a horizontal surface , MELT - Is estimate of ablation due to melt process and is direct output of the SNOW-17 model. It is estimated every 6 hours., Flash Flood Risk (FFR) - Indicates the likelihood of flash flood risk for each sub-basin based on Numerical Weather Prediction model Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts (QPF). Lead time of the product is up to 36 hours,




