be tickled to death - be very happy, selling like hotcakes - it is bought quickly and in large numbers, an eager beaver - a person who is willing to work very hard, biotechnology - the use of living things,especially cells and bacteria , in industrial process, app - a computer program or a piece of software, cash up - to count all money taken by a shop at the end of each day, fix upon - to focus on something, to decide, take on - to employ, grant - to donate, get ahead - to succeed, to save money, launch - to send something out such as a new spacecraft into space, Sustainable - Sable to continue over a period of time, get along - to be friendly to each other, get bored - feeling tired anf unhappy because something isn't interesting, keen on - very interested or wanting something very much, pick up - to improve an activity,to increase an amount, deadline  - a time or day by which something must be done, burn the candles at both ends - to work extremely or hard, cv - summary of a person's personal information education, qualifications,work experience,skills., letter of intent - a letter sent with a CV as an introduction or a summary, vacancy - a job that no one is doing and is therefore available for someone new to do, staff - the group of people who work for an organization, shifts - a group of workers who do a job for a period of time during the day or night, candidate - a person who is competing for a job or elected position, benefit - an advantage that the employer offers you in addition to your salary ,

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