Asia - It is the largest continent by size and population. The highest mountain and the the longest wall ever built are there. Nearly half of the world population lives in this diverse continent. This is the only continent on Earth where tigers live in the wild. More than two thousand languages are spoken on this continent., Africa - It is the second most populated continent and it is home to the longest river and the largest desert in the world. It is not all sand and dunes: the second biggest rainforest of the world is rich in wildlife: mammals, amphibians, birds and 10 thousands species of plants. But the most known animals are the giraffes, lions, zebras and elephants living in the savannah., Europe - It is the second smallest continent but it boasts the strongest economy on Earth. It is made up of nearly 50 countries. It is the cradle of civilization and many ancient empires were established here. Here you can find the largest island and the smallest state in the world. About 10% of the world population live here. Many artistic and natural beauties are found in this continent that has a great variety of climates and landscapes., North America - It is made up of 3 main and 20 minor countries. The two main languages spoken are English and Spanish. There are huge mountain ranges in this continent and some of the largest freshwater lakes on Earth. Many diverse ecosystems with rare and endangered species of animals are found in this continent., Australasia and Oceania - It is the smallest continent on Earth. It is in the southern hemisphere, and its main country is often referred to as the "Land Down Under". Some rare animals such as koalas and kangaroos don't live anywhere else in the world. This continent has one of the most amazing natural wonders of the world: this is a coral reef that is even visible from the Moon., Antarctica - It is completely covered by ice. People don't live here, but some scientists come here to do research and study. It is one of the driest places on Earth because there is no or little rainfall: that's why it's often called a "desert". It is also the windiest and coldest continent on Earth. , South America - It is home to the largest rainforest of the world and to the highest waterfall and longest mountain range. The largest river in the world flows through its immense rainforest. Surrounding this rainforest is an ecosystem full of life: 40 thousand plant species and a great variety of animals. One of its deserts is the driest place on Earth. ,

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