Read the sentences and the clue at the end to choose the right adjective: 1. My nephew was ____ by the clown. (amuse) 2. It's so ____! No matter how much I study, I can't seem to remember this vocabulary. (frustrate) 3. This lesson is so ____. (bore) 4. I'm feeling ____, so I'm going to go home, eat some chocolate, and go to bed early with a good book. (depress) 5. This maths problem is so ____ ! Can you help me? (confuse) 6. We are going in a helicopter? How ____ ! (excite) 7. I was really ____ when I fell over in the street. (embarrass) 8. I'm sorry, I can't come tonight. I'm completely ____ . (exhaust)

Adjectives -ing -ed




