1) Which respiratory disease is long-term and causes inflammation of the airways. The airways swell and make breathing difficult a) Asthma  b) COPD c) Pneumonia 2) Which disease has the following signs and symptoms: wheezing and shortness of breath a) Pneumonia b) COPD c) Asthma 3) Which disease may use an inhaler for treatment? a) COPD b) Pneumonia c) Asthma 4) Which disease has two types and includes bronchitis and emphysema. a) COPD b) Asthma c) Pneumonia 5) Around the age of 30 or 40 and both men and women are at risk for this disease especially if they smoke a) Asthma b) COPD c) Pneumonia 6) Which disease is communicable and caused by bacteria or viruses a) Asthma b) COPD c) Pneumonia 7) Antibiotics is the treatment for this disease. The patient may need to be hospitalised if it is serious. a) Asthma b) COPD c) Pneumonia

Lesson 2.4 - Respiratory system diseases




