1) Das Gegenteil von "tall" ist a) thin b) short c) small 2) Was gehört hier nicht dazu? a) ski b) racket c) athlete 3) A footballer ................ football. a) play b) runs c) plays 4) A biker a) ride a bike. b) rides a bike. c) riding a bike. 5) For swimming, you need to be a) agile. b) fat. c) short. 6) A tennis player has a) strong arms. b) short legs. c) special shoes. 7) Wie heisst die Sportart? a) running b) run c) runner 8) Hebe Deine Schultern. a) Bend your shoulders. b) Swing your shoulders. c) Lift your shoulders. 9) Der Athlet ist sehr beweglich. a) The athlete is very fast. b) The athlete is very agile. c) The athlete is very thin. 10) This is not a body part: a) leg b) foot c) trousers 11) He ......................... his face. a) washes b) wash c) washing 12) Where is my elbow? a) It's in the middle of my arm. b) It's in the middle of my hand. c) It's in the middle of my leg. 13) What's the opposite (das Gegenteil) of left a) right b) small c) back 14) Which sentence is correct? Welcher Satz ist richtig? a) Lift the foot. b) Lift your foot. c) Lift the feet. 15) Which one is different? Was gehört nicht dazu? a) chair b) neck c) waist 16) Which one is different? Was gehört nicht dazu?Wie heisst die Mehrzahl von "tooth"? a) cheeks b) finger c) hair 17) Wie heisst die Mehrzahl von "body" - ? a) bodys b) bedy c) bodies 18) She .................... her head. a) turn b) turns c) turning 19) Wie heisst die Sportart? a) skier b) skiing c) ski 20) Turn ........... head to the left! a) the b) a c) your

Fit for sport




