1) This bottle is _____________ glass. a) made with b) made of c) made from d) made in e) made by 2) This dish is ___________ beef and herbs. a) made of b) made from c) made with d) made by e) made in 3) The salad is ___________ cabbage and cheese. a) made from b) made with c) made of d) made by e) made in 4) This boat is ______________ tree trunk. a) made of b) made with c) made by d) made from e) made in 5) This chair is ________________ wood. a) made from b) made of c) made with d) made in e) made by 6) This desk is ___________ metal. a) made by b) made with c) made from d) made in e) made of 7) This salted fish is ___________ Shanghai. a) made by b) made with c) made from d) made in e) made of 8) This envelope is ______________ recycled paper. a) made of b) made from c) made with d) made by e) made in 9) This electric jug is ___________ plastic and stainless steel. a) made of b) made in c) made from d) made with e) made by 10) The cookies are ___________ Australia. a) made in b) made with c) made by d) made from e) made of 11) The bookmark was ___________ hand. a) made in b) made from c) made by d) made with e) made of 12) This computer is ___________ Apple. a) made in b) made from c) made by d) made with e) made of 13) This mobile phone was ___________ Samsung. a) made in b) made by c) made from d) made with e) made of

5B Ch 2 : Made of, Made from, Made with, made in, made by




