Do you live in a house or an apartment?, Can you describe your home in a few words?, What is your favorite room in your house and why?, How many bedrooms are there in your home?, Do you prefer living in a big city or a small town? Why?, What kind of neighborhood do you live in?, Do you have any plans to move to a different place in the future?, How do you make your home cozy and inviting?, What are some common household chores that you do regularly?, How important is it for you to have a garden or outdoor space at your home?, What types of furniture do you have in your living room?, Are you good at DIY (Do It Yourself) projects around the house?, How do you deal with home repairs or maintenance issues?, What's your favorite household appliance and why?, How do you organize your kitchen?, Do you have any house rules or routines?, What changes would you like to make to your home if you had the opportunity?, How often do you redecorate or rearrange furniture in your home?, Can you describe your dream home?, What do you like to do to relax at home?.

ESL Conversation questions_HOUSE and HOME_Level B1





