In June 2022, Katya Echazarreta became the first Mexican woman ____ to space when she joined the fifth crew ____ of Jeff Bezos’s Blue Origin. ____ 26, she also became ____ youngest American to visit space. Echazarreta was born in the city of Guadalajara, and she moved to the US as ____ child. She became a ____ model for people at home in Mexico. However, she was sad to talk ____ engineers who studied the same degree ____ her, but their work was to fix mobile phones or wash machines, or they gave up engineering to become ____ or drivers. Now, Echazarreta put her career at NASA ____ pause to work on a ____ in Mexico to ____ the local aerospace industry. She says Mexico has ____ legal reference to ____ private companies such ____ SpaceX or Blue Origin to launch their ____. Companies can’t launch their rockets in Mexico ____.

Mexico’s first woman astronaut – level 3




