1) I ....... revise a lot for the French test. I forgot everything about.  a) could b) couldn't c) had to d) didn't have to 2) The education was free. We ....... pay for the books. a) could b) couldn't c) had to d) didn't have to 3) I ....... speak English when I was three. a) had to b) couldn't c) didn't have to d) could 4) Sweet Sue's grandfather was a millionaire. He ....... go to work.  a) could b) didn't have to c) had to d) couldn't 5) I ....... go to the cinema, because I was sick.  a) had to b) didn't have to c) could d) couldn't 6) I ....... be very nice last year, because I wanted a new iPhone from Santa. a) could b) had to c) couldn't d) didn't have to 7) She ....... make a lot of videos in order to be this popular on TikTok. a) could b) couldn't c) didn't have to d) had to 8) I ....... watch a lot of series on Netflix as it was autumn break. a) had to b) didn't have to c) could d) couldn't 9) Smart Alec ....... enter the shop, because he left his mask in the office.  a) had to b) didn't have to c) could d) couldn't 10) I ....... delete my facebook account. I received so many rude messages. a) had to b) didn't have to c) could d) couldn't 11) I ....... pay a lot for this coat. There was a huge sale at Bershka. a) could b) had to c) couldn't d) didn't have to 12) Marilyn Monroe was so beautiful. I ....... take my eyes off her.  a) had to b) didn't have to c) could d) couldn't 13) Peter ....... solve the exercise on his own. He didn't call me for help. a) had to b) didn't have to c) could d) couldn't

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