1) to cheat a) to not keep up with something b) to be best friends instantly c) to do something dishonest d) to try to get two people dating 2) to fall behind a) more than there appears at first b) to not keep up with something c) to do something dishonest d) to try to get two people dating 3) to struggle with a) to be best friends instantly b) to find something difficult c) someone who likes taking lots of photos d) a portrait taken by police 4) more than meets the eye a) a portrait taken by police b) delicious and amazing c) the person specifically for you d) more than there appears at first 5) mugshot a) to not keep up with something b) a portrait taken by police c) to make something quickly d) to do something dishonest 6) snap-happy a) making something good even better b) someone who likes taking lots of photos c) more than there appears at first d) to find something difficult 7) to set up a) to try to get two people dating b) making something good even better c) a portrait taken by police d) to make something quickly 8) to hit it off a) to make something quickly b) making something good even better c) a portrait taken by police d) to be best friends instantly 9) soulmate a) to find something difficult b) delicious and amazing c) to try to get two people dating d) the person specifically for you 10) to whip up a) a portrait taken by police b) to be best friends instantly c) the person specifically for you d) to make something quickly 11) delectable a) a portrait taken by police b) to make something quickly c) delicious and amazing d) to find something difficult 12) the icing on the cake a) making something good even better b) the person specifically for you c) someone who likes taking lots of photos d) to be best friends instantly

Friday Black A 22 Cuisine




