larvae - the animal that came out of the egg that has not yet become a cacoon , molt - to shed skin , unsuspecting - to be unaware of something that will happen , deposited - to put something somewhere, patch - an area of soil where one kind of thing is grown, cumbersome - something that is heavy and awkward to carry , keener - to be better or stronger than something else, nostrils - the opening of the nose, trumpet - to shout loudly , flexible - to be able to bend without breaking , siphon - an object used to take liquids out of a container and move them , lurking  - to be hiding from something or someone , invisible - to be unseen , nuzzled - to jently touch another animal with their mouth and nose, bared - when an animal angrily shows their teeth to another animal , refused - to not accept something, assistant - someone who helps you to do things, pounce - to jump up on something quickly , nursery - somewhere young are cared for ,

HMH G3 M6 vocabulary




