Bipedal - walking on 2 feet, Hyperactive - extremely active, Basipetal - growth or development downward toward the base or point of attachement, Leukocytopenia - decrease in white blood cell count, Ecology - Study of the relations of organisms to one another and to their environment, Tetrapod - four-footed, Triform - composed of 3 parts, Antecedent - a thing or event that logically precedes another, Involuntary - without free will, Polygamous - married to many, Hexagon - shape with 6 angles, Abaxial - facing away from the stem of a plant; lower surface of a leaf, Anemia - hemoglobin deficiency, Dysphasia - deficiency in speaking, Cephalothorax - a fused head and thorax, Endoscopic - relating to seeing inside the body, Tympanoplasty - reconstruction of the middle ear, Antinecrotic - prevents death of tissue, Subcutaneous - below the skin, Echoencephalography - ultrasound to see inside skull, Vagile - having freedom of movement, Heliotropic - growing towards the sun, Symbiosis - two different organisms living together, Hysteropexy - surgical fixation of displaced uterus, Cryptobiosis - metabolic activity decreases to an undetectable level, Orthopedic - specialty of the skeleton, Ectoplasm - a ghostly form, Trichoptera - hair winged, Hirsuitism - abnormal hair growth, Basolateral - pertaining to the base or side,

Medical Terminology Practice 2




