1) My dad often ... dinner. a) cook b) is cooking c) cooks d) cookies 2) Bob’s sister ... her homework at the moment. a) do b) is doing c) does d) doing 3) Mark ... early every day. a) get ups  b) Is get upping c) gets up d) is getting up 4) Sometimes they ... hard . a) work b) is working  c) works d) are working 5) My friend and I never ... TV a) watches b) am watching  c) watch d) are watching 6) ... he ... in his bedroom now? a) Does ... sleep b) Are ... sleeping c) Is ... sleeping d) Do ... sleeps 7) They ... ... any drinks at parties. a) don’t have b) aren’t having c) have not d) having not 8) My brother _________________ computer games every evening. a) plays b) is playing c) am playing d) play 9) My dad ________________ a book about animation films at the moment. a) read b) is reading c) reads d) reading 10) We ___________________ now. We____________________ TV. a) don't cook / are watching b) don't cook / watch c) aren't cooking / are watching d) aren't cooking / watch 11) Anton often ___________________ to music at the weekend. a) listens b) listen c) is listening d) listening 12) My mum and dad usually ________________dancing on Saturdays. a) goes b) go   c) are going d) is going

Present Simple or Present Continuous




