mitosis - The function of this in multicellular organisms is growth and repair, producing 2 identical daughter cells, mixture - Contains a variety of elements and compounds that are not chemically combined with each other, mutation - Changes in the number, type, or order of a piece of DNA, these can be beneficial, neutral, or harmful, neutrons - The nucleus of atoms contains these uncharged particles, nitrogen - The most abundant gas in the atmosphere (78%), nonmetals - Poor conductors of heat and electricity. Found on right side of periodic table, nucleus - Command center of the cell, genetic material found here, organ system - A group of organs that work together to perform body functions, oxygen - Makes up about 20% of the gas in the atmosphere, phenotype - Your observable traits, photosynthesis - The process by which plants use sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to make food, physical change - A change that affects one or more physical properties of a substance, plant cell - Cell wall - large vacuole - chloroplasts, product - Substances formed in a reaction. Found on the right side of the arrow in a chemical equation., prokaryote - Single celled organism that does not have a nucleus, protons - The nucleus of atoms contains these positive charged particles, pure substance - A substance that has definite physical and chemical properties e.g. A compound or an element, reactant - Substances that participate in chemical reactions. Found on left side of arrow in a chemical equation, ribosome - Make protein in cells, sexual reproduction - It increases genetic variation. Offsprings have an increased chance of survival., solid - Particles in this state are close together and do not move freely. The particles vibrate., tissue - A group of similar cells that perform a common function,

7th Grade -- SCIENCE -- 5




