KNIGHT - A warrior from the past, NIGHT - What comes after day, it is dark at this time, CARROT - An orange vegetable that bunnies favor, KARAT - A way to measure the purity of gold, ex. 14 _____ gold, BAIL - To leave or abandon, BALE - A stack of hay, SALE - Selling something for a lower price, SAIL - Part of a ship that helps it move, WALK - To move slowly on legs one after another, WOK - A Chinese pan shaped like a bowl, PEAR - A typically red, yellow, or green fruit that is hard and narrows at the top, PARE - To trim at something from the outside, MAIN - The most important, or central, part, MANE - Long hair on the neck of a horse, MEAT - Food made from the muscle of an animal, MEET - To see and/or interact with someone for the first time, PLAIT - A braid, PLAY - To interact with something in a joy-inducing way, LAIN - To put down, LANE - A long, straight line typically described as a part of a road, FARE - A tax or necessary payment, FAIR - An amusement park, or having equal rights, ROLE - A part to act out or do, ROLL - A way to move by turning repeatedly, BEECH - A type of tree with a nut, BEACH - A public area with an ocean and shore, BLUE - A color normally associated with sadness, BLEW - Move with an air current, of wind, FLOWER - A blossom, typically with petals, leaves, and a stem, FLOUR - A ground-up powder typically made of wheat,




