participate - to take part in something , evolve - something that develops or changes over time, consider - to think about or decide about something, recognise - to notice something or someone, create - to make something, emerge - to come about, to happen or to occur, communicate - to share information with someone else, e.g. talk, engage - to become involved in something, intend - to mean, to want or to plan to do something, expand - to get wider or bigger, replace - to take the place of someone or something else, surpass - to overtake, become better or more popular than someone or something else, innovate - to create something new, like invent , activity - something that is done, for example, study, exercise etc., instantly - something that happens straight away, original - the first of something, e.g. an _____________ song, inactivity - when nothing is being done , introduced - brought into use or operation for the first time, regularly - to do something often, e.g. I exercise _______________, continue - to keep going, discontinue - to stop using something or stop going, rarely - something that doesn't happen often,

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