1) Can you please ______ the TV? It’s been on the whole night! a) FEEL UNWELL: b) I DON’T AGREE: c) TURN OFF: d) WET: 2) On this floor you have the kitchen and if you go ________ (to the second floor) you can find the bathroom. a) WET: b) OUTSIDE c) NOISY: d) UPSTAIRS: 3) Can you repeat your name again, I __________ it. a) FORGOT: b) FORGET c) AM FORGETTING d) SWAM: 4) You should wash your hands now, they are very ___________ a) BRING: b) DIRTY: c) EXPENSIVE: d) SALE: 5) So, you can’t come to the party, can you? That’s ________! a) A PITY: b) GREAT! c) SALE: d) TURN OFF: 6) I have _________ done my homework, made my bed and tidied my bedroom this morning. a) BOOKED: b) AGO c) YET d) ALREADY: 7) My living room is my favourite room because it is very _________ when it is cold outside. a) BOOKED: b) NOISY: c) WARM: d) TIRED: 8) I heard someone rang the bell. Don’t worry mum, it was just __________. a) MAKE SURE: b) CAMPSITE: c) THE POST: d) FORGOT: 9) I have ____________ a table at the best restaurant in the city! a) ----- b) HALF-PRICE: c) BOOKED: d) THE POST: 10) you are not going to buy those trousers, they are too ___________ a) EXPENSIVE: b) CHEAP c) NOISY: d) LOSE: 11) I like to spend time in the _____________ because I love going camping. a) CAMPSITE: b) TIRED: c) SALE: d) FLEW: 12) ________ upon a time, there was a girl who went into the woods… a) WEATHER: b) ONCE: c) BOOKED: d) WARM: 13) The worst part is when you collect all the materials, after that, you just have to ______ the walls. a) MAKE b) BUILT c) DO d) BUILD: 14) When I visit Paris I promise I will send you lots of _________ with pictures from well-known places. a) WET: b) FLEW: c) ALREADY: d) POSTCARDS: 15) It is the best time to buy this bike: It is _________! a) ENTRANCE: b) DIRTY: c) HALF-PRICE: d) FORGOT: 16) If you don’t pick your umbrella, you will get _____! It’s raining!! a) MAKE SURE: b) WET: c) SWAM: d) UPSTAIRS: 17) Where are my boots? Last time I saw them they were in the hall by the _________ a) ENTRANCE: b) EXPENSIVE: c) BUILD: d) BOOKED: 18) I need more space in my cupboard, so all the things I don’t want anymore, are now for ___________ a) SALE: b) LOSE: c) IMPROVED: d) ONCE: 19) Today I have been very ______. That is why I couldn’t call you before. a) LOSE: b) BUSY: c) ENTRANCE: d) ALREADY: 20) Shhh! Don’t be so _____! The baby is still sleeping! a) IMPROVED: b) BUSY: c) WARM: d) NOISY: 21) Before you go, _______ you have everything you need a) TIRED: b) POSTCARDS: c) MAKE SURE: d) WEATHER: 22) - White chocolate is better than the other one. - Sorry but ___________ a) BUSY: b) ALREADY: c) BOOKED: d) I DON’T AGREE: 23) Our team can’t ____ this match. We won’t go to the finals. a) LOSE: b) EXPENSIVE: c) ALREADY: d) ONCE: 24) Don’t forget to _____ something to eat. a) LOSE: b) IMPROVED: c) BRING: d) WET: 25) When I finish the aerobic classes I feel so _____ a) BRING: b) TIRED: c) EXPENSIVE: d) ALREADY: 26) Yesterday, Sam ______ from one side to the other of the swimming pool 13 times. a) UPSTAIRS: b) LOSE: c) SWAM: d) POSTCARDS: 27) I’m so sorry, but I won’t be able to go to the cinema. I _________ a) NOISY: b) FEEL UNWELL: c) SWAM: d) BRING: 28) After that terrible noise, all the birds ________ away a) CAMPSITE: b) UPSTAIRS: c) FLEW: d) ENTRANCE: 29) What is the __________ like today? Is it sunny? a) HALF-PRICE: b) TURN OFF: c) WEATHER: d) BUILD: 30) My teacher is very happy! She says I have ___________ my reading skills a) WEATHER: b) IMPROVED: c) SWAM: d) BOOKED:

KET quiz




