prescription (n) - a piece of paper that a doctor gives you that says what type of medicine you need, recipe (n) - a set of instructions for cooking or preparing a particular food, operation (n) - the process of cutting into someone's body for medical reasons, surgery (n) - medical treatment in which a doctor cuts open someone's body, sore (adj) - painful and uncomfortable, hurt (v) - to feel pain somewhere in your body, pain (n) - a bad feeling in part of your body when you are hurt or become ill, illness (n) - a particular disease, or a period of being ill, disease (n) - an illness that affects people, animals or plants, injured (adj) - hurt in an accident or attack, damaged (adj) - harmed physically, thin (adj) - have very little fat on the body, slim (adj) - thin in an attractive way, remedy (n) - a cure for pain or for a minor illness, cure (n) - a medicine or treatment that makes someone who is ill become healthy, therapy (n) - a form of treatment for an illness or medical condition, effect (n) - a change that is produced in one person or thing by another, result (n) - something that is caused directly by something else, healthy (adj) - physically strong and not ill, fit (adj) - healthy, strong and able to do physical exercise, examine (v) - to look at something or someone carefully, investigate (v) - to try to find out all the facts about something in order to learn the truth about it, infection (n) - the process of becoming infected with a disease, pollution (n) - chemicals and other substances that have a harmful effect on air, water or land, plaster (n) - a thin piece of cloth or plastic that sticks to your skin to cover a cut, bandage (n) - a long thin piece of cloth that you wrap around an injured part of your body, ward (n) - a large room in a hospital with beds for people to stay in, clinic (n) - a place where people go to receive a particular type of medical treatment or advice, dose (n) - a particular amount of a drug or medicine that has been measured so that you can take it, fix (n) - The dose for children is two tablets, three times a day. an amount of a drug that someone feels that they need to take regularly,

Destination B2 Unit 14 Health and fitness (Vocabulary)




