____ selection Operates when phenotypic features coincide with optimal environment condition and competition is not severe. Selection ____ extreme phenotypes but favours ____ variants. Intermediate phenotypes have greater survival and reproduce successfully. Variation is ____ Directional selection Operates in response to ____ changes in environmental conditions. Selection against ____ extreme phenotype. Genes promoting this extreme phenotype become ____ frequent. The mean for this particular character shifts towards the ____ end. Increases the chances of the ____ allele to be passed on to the next generation. ____ selection Selection against intermediate group but both ____ phenotypes are favoured. Both extreme phenotype have greater survival and ____ success. Increases the chances of the advantageous allele to be passed on to the next generation. The intermediate phenotypes is gradually decrease in number and may become ____. Partitioning the population into two distinct phenotypic groups/ become two ____.

Describe the types of natural selection Part 2




