ballare - to dance, cantare - to sing, tornare - to return, cuocere - to bake, suonare - to play an instrument, camminare - to walk, leggere - to read, mangiare - to eat, giocare - to play a sport, arrivare - to arrive, scrivere - to write, dormire - to sleep, pranzare - to eat lunch, portare - to carry; to bring; to wear, vendere - to sell, comprare - to buy, lavorare - to work, lavare - to wash, parlare - to speak, chiedere - to ask for, abitare - to live, prendere - to take, viaggiare - to travel, aiutare - to help, indossare - to wear, pensare - to think, aprire - to open, cucinare - to cook, studiare - to study, correre - to run,

Verbi Ripasso




