____ arrives at the synaptic knob of stimulated ____ neuron. Action potential causes ____ diffuses into axon terminal. Stimulate ____ to fuse with ____. ____ released into the synaptic cleft. Acetylcholine binds to ____ proteins of the sodium channel at the ____ of skeletal muscle. Action potential ____ along the sarcolemma and move down the ____ / T-tubule. Action potential increases the permeability of ____ to calcium ions (Ca2+) / action potential triggers ____ release from sarcoplasmic reticulum. Ca2+ diffuses into ____ and bind to ____ complex. Troponin complex changes the ____ and removes the ____ of tropomyosin at the cross-bridge binding site (myosin-binding sites) to allow the ____ of myosin with actin filaments. The ____ configuration myosin head attaches with ATP molecule initially. ____ binds at the ____ and hydrolyses ATP to produce ADP and inorganic phosphate group (Pi). The myosin head now is in ____ configuration. Myosin head binds to the exposed cross-bridge binding site and forms a ____ ADP and Pi are ____ and myosin head returns to low-energy configuration.

Describe the events that occur when a resting skeletal muscle is stimulated by a motor neuron (Part 2).




